Month: April 2014

Acting Locally, Reporting Globally: From quantum physics to biology, a new approach to magnetic resonance turns protons into “spies”.

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Acting Locally, Reporting Globally: From quantum physics to biology, a new approach to magnetic resonance turns protons into “spies”. 

Mapping of size distributions of a mouse’s gray matter by quantum-controlled proton MRI. (l) Brain proton MRI; (c) mean cellular size; (r) distribution peak
Mapping of size distributions of a mouse’s gray matter by quantum-controlled proton MRI. (l) Brain proton MRI; (c) mean cellular size; (r) distribution peak

Please see the article published in the Interface Magazine of the Weizmann Institute about our work on “Coherent Dynamical Recoupling of Diffusion-Driven Decoherence in Magnetic Resonance“: 


elink: Interface Magazine, Winter 2014: Acting Locally, Reporting Globally.